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Business strategy

Tactics vs Strategy and Career Mastery

By March 4, 2019No Comments
J. Kelly Hoey - Build Your Dream Network

My latest Business Builders Show interview features Carlos Pacheco, CMO of digital insights and strategy firm, Truly. Carlos turned basic knowledge of Excel into a marketing career. Yes, you read that right. His obsession with numbers (he thought about becoming an accountant) translated into an obsession with metrics and “how about” “what if” curiosity (self-motivated, life-long learning).

For those playing the long-game with their careers – and businesses – this is the conversation for you.

As Carlos notes “forget quick and forgettable campaigns, we’re talking digital strategies for connecting with your best customer” – and his approach to digital marketing reverberates in how he pursues opportunities, personally and professionally.

Listen up, as Carlos shares how he discovered YouTube by accident and turned a basic knowledge of SEO into 3.5 million subscribers plus how knowing the right people propelled his career:

  • @ 1:57 Learn what Truly is (and their market differentiator in a world flooded with “digital” “agencies”).
  • @ 2:39 Get educated on the difference between digital tactics and digital strategy (yes, most of you are using platforms tactically NOT strategically).
  • @ 3:40 Marty asks Carlos about how to find the “best customer”.
  • @ 6:27 We discuss Carlos’s surprising career and the lateral moves that got him where he is today.
  • @ 8:45 “By knowing the right people” – Carlos talks about putting himself in front of opportunity and landed in the marketing world of YouTube.
  • @ 9:21 Carlos shares how he made Just For Laughs a powerhouse on YouTube.
  • @ 13:30 We get Carlos’s thoughts on platforms (i.e. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter) and the difficulties with gaining traction PLUS why YouTube’s search algorithm is SO powerful.
  • @ 17:06 Carlos chats Nuzzle (“a gem of an app”) and his New Media Update Newsletter (Marty’s a fan).
  • @ 20:05 We dive into the value and danger of real time metrics.
  • @ 20:46 Carlos piques our interest (future interview!) on a wealth management client and differences in viewership (both producing client leads with wildly varying video popularity).

IF you take nothing else away from this interview, remember this: short-term metrics can MESS-UP a long-term focus.

J. Kelly Hoey

Networking Expert + Career Transformation Coach + Author + Speaker, Kelly Hoey looks at "networking" through a new, modern, fresh lens, offering you (who are pursuing and perhaps struggling with your big ambitions), advice on how to connect for success in a hyper-connected world that is woefully short in its attention span. Her network-building advice is relatable, instilling confidence with actionable insights and practical information.