Danger! Danger! You may know more about who is your ideal customer than the tech source you outsource to.
The irony that the email below is about a “Know Your Customer” tool truly makes this a deliciously hideous networking mistake, and gives assurance to those of us who stress the importance of making a human connection, of the need for human insights, of using those “soft” human skills (like critical thinking, empathy, etc.) that we won’t be made redundant by tech or AI in the very near future.
Can you spot the errors?
Kelly Hoey
Adjunct Professor*
Women Innovate Mobile WIM Accelerator**
10th January 2024
Dear Kelly Hoey,
Special Invitation from the International Trade Council – Free for life AML/KYC tool for Women Innovate Mobile WIM Accelerator
The International Trade Council is pleased to announce the early launch of our AI-powered “Know Your Customer” (KYC) tool – “ADAMkyc”.
This new KYC tool incorporates 300+ databases and covers 49 million records globally – with over 1 billion inter-linked data-points – ensuring due diligence across multiple legal jurisdictions. ADAMkyc maps and interprets the intricate webs of relationships between entities, illuminating potential risks and connections. It also includes a negative media parsing tools which provide an early warning system to flag potential reputational risks before they escalate.
This is system is provided free for life for early-registered users – but we ask that Women Innovate Mobile WIM Accelerator registers before the 19th January 2024*** to qualify for the free-for-life status.
To learn more about this important software tool or to register online as a user please visit: https://tradecouncil.org/aml-kyc-screening-tool/
Data for the tool comes from a variety of sources including:
- Official Government Company Registries (195 countries)
- International and Country Specific Sanctions Lists
- Lists of Current and Former Politicians, Ambassadors, Diplomatic Representatives and High-Level Government Officials
- International Lists of Terrorists and other types of Banned Persons and Organizations
- Economic Sanctions Lists
- INTERPOL Red and Yellow Notices
- Terrorism Financing Lists
- Ransomware Cryptocurrency Addresses
- Ship Tracking Databases
- OCC Enforcement Lists
- Weather Databases
- Debarred Providers
- Oligarch Databases
- Disqualified Directors Databases
- Government Tender Databases
- Consolidated Screening Lists
- Lists of Frozen Assets
- Aircraft and Ship Registries
- Government Procurement Databases
… and more…
P.S. You may share this free offer to all of your colleagues and partners****.
Warm regards,
Nina Escarda
Sr Trade Commissioner
International Trade Council
Tel: +1 202 869 0988
WhatsApp: +1 914 301 7040
Website: www.tradecouncil.org
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-international-trade-council/
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/inttradecouncil
*Yes, I was an adjunct professor….guiding 1 class for 1 semester at LIM College. While I enjoyed the diversion, the experience is not one I’ve highlighted under “experience” on Linkedin.
**Yes, I was the co-founder of a start-up accelerator, called Women Innovate Mobile (WIM). It was a crazy whim. I co-founded it and killed it. WIM ceased operations in 2014…by my math, that’s 10 years ago.
***Ha Ha! Creating a false sense of urgency by asking me to commit by January 19th! The only reason I read down to that part of the damn email was knowing from the salutation that it would make a PERFECT networking pro-tip. Apologizes to those who may have wanted to act on this great deal, for posting this pro-tip in February.
****The reason I don’t feel like an asshat for sharing the email, in full, names of the transgressing parties included, is this line. Don’t imagine “Nina” had this sort of share in mind.