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About J. Kelly Hoey

Author, Speaker, Coach & Networking Expert

Welcome. I’m Kelly Hoey, author of Build Your Dream Network: Forging Powerful Relationships In A Hyper-Connected World and I’m out to change how you think, approach and feel about networking.

Building strong people networks is a critical career and life skill – it’s how we reach professional milestones and accomplish big tasks (so yeah, time to stop drinking the solo hero’s journey Kool-Aid). Also, it’s hard – because networking is an activity that involves other people (and let’s face it, we’re weird).

As with clothing, there is no one-size -fits-all when it comes to networking, however, there are three #BYDN networking truths which will make you a more confident (and considerate) networker:

  • Figure out what you are passionate about, as that passion fuels your networking stamina.
  • Build diverse networks to create a bigger picture of who you are and what your opportunities could be.
  • The best networking hack is to be a good listener.


No, I did not set out to become a networking expert, rather I set-out to be a lawyer.

With my law degree and business cards in hand, I advanced along a predictable corporate career path until a unique opportunity in 2009 infused my career with confidence and encouraged me to stop playing it safe. Working alongside the visionary leader of a global business network for women, co-founding a startup accelerator, angel investing, an interim CMO position (and reporting to a founder/CEO twenty+ years younger) – these roles are all part of an unimaginable career journey to becoming a published author, career coach and keynote speaker.

Some of my other crazy career outcomes that have resulted from building a diverse network: appearing on CNBC’s Power Pitch, moderating the Meet The Innovators speaker series at the Apple Store, and contributing to publications such as The New York Times,, Fast Company, Inc. and more. Today, I enjoy transforming how others approach the vital activity of networking, through my various speaking, coaching, facilitating and hosting roles.

J. Kelly Hoey logo drawing


My core mission is to help you succeed – by transforming how you approach the essential skill of networking.

  • IRL + virtual events, dynamic fireside chats and interactive, coaching-based workshops, contact PRH Speakers Bureau speakers @ to explore my speaking topics.
  • Minimize reactionary networking decisions + FOMO by instead, confidently embracing a sustainable network-building strategy. Email me to discuss 1:1 coaching: admin @