It’s not tech or digital…it’s people. People are the drivers of our careers, economic and personal wellbeing. Yes, IMHO it’s a people-driven economy, and tech…
Pulling it straight from #BYDN this week…right from page 16 (crack open your book and pull out your highlighter): Hallmark cards and custom stationery may…
It’s foolish to think that old-school etiquette no longer matters in the age of mobile and social. Wrong! Just because we’re sending #thanks via Instagram…
My big question in #BYDN for Rachel Hofstetter, Chief Marketing Officer at Chatbooks was: Events such as weddings are temporary communities that come together around…
Oh, the places you’ll go….now that it’s May, your calendar may be filling up with obligatory events. Yes, the graduation / wedding receptions — precursors for summer…