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BYDN podcastPodcasts

Ask Your Network For Feedback

By April 15, 2020June 20th, 2020No Comments

Have you ever sought career advice or feedback from your network on your professional strengths? In this episode of the podcast, Kelly shares how her own network has inspired her to pursue new, previously unimaginable career paths. Discover why reflecting on what your connections see in you is a vital component of networking along with why Kelly launched her latest 30-day network-building challenge and how you can too.

Key takeaways from the episode:

  • How Kelly’s career path has been influenced by feedback from her network
  • How you can use feedback to affirm possible career choices
  • How you can seek new career insights by tapping into your network’s observations


  • “My career path has been influenced by feedback, a pivotal 360 review, and, most importantly, listening to my network.”
  • “What knowledge or skills are you sought out for? When does your network rely on you?”
  • “Plan to reflect on your network at some point today – to improve your networking tomorrow.”

Learn more about the 30-day network building challenge.

Need more on how feedback from your network can transform your career? Check out “Seek Feedback, Find A Mentor And Pursue A Dream Career” along with page 67 (“Look to Your Network to Ignite Your Career”) in Build Your Dream Network: Forging Powerful Relationships In A Hyper-Connected World.

Plus, these blog posts may help you navigate a career transition too:

Kelly Hoey - networking expert - keynote speaker - author - build your dream network

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J. Kelly Hoey

Networking Expert + Career Transformation Coach + Author + Speaker, Kelly Hoey looks at "networking" through a new, modern, fresh lens, offering you (who are pursuing and perhaps struggling with your big ambitions), advice on how to connect for success in a hyper-connected world that is woefully short in its attention span. Her network-building advice is relatable, instilling confidence with actionable insights and practical information.