Ideas without a network remain just that – ideas. But with a purposefully constructed network, ideas have the chance to expand and grow. Do you have the network your ideas need to flourish?
Key takeaways:
- You need two types of networks: a wide-shallow-open network & a narrow-deep-close network.
- Do you spend your working hours and your weekends with the same people? Diversify your network by evaluating the way you spend your time and who you spend it with.
What to listen for:
- 00:38 Kelly uncovers how she expanded her network to support her ambitions
- 04:32 Why do you need both types of networks? When do you tap into each type?
- 05:54 Three ways Kelly expanded her network through a career pivot
- 08:28 How to test the strength and diversity of your network right now
- “But, like a strong hug, a tight, close network doesn’t allow you much room to stretch your wings.” [03:56]
- “Wide networks, on the other hand, may be weak on intimacy but are richer in diversity.” [04:08]
Take 10 minutes to listen to Episode Two of the Build Your Dream Network podcast and to take the pulse of the possibilities offered by your network today.