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Rework the Work Edition

By November 30, 2016January 30th, 2019No Comments
J. Kelly Hoey - Build Your Dream Network

One of the best business books I read in the past 24 months was Jason Fried’s and David Hanemeier Hansson’s ReWork. I tagged passages, turned-down the corner of pages and have recommended it on numerous occasions — for its content as well as its style (a biz book with blog length chapters, fun visuals, designed for an action-oriented, mobile, distracted entrepreneurial generation). Yes, it was a major inspiration for how I thought about the content in #BYDN.

Three of my favorite takeaways from ReWork (my daily words to work by perhaps):

  • Being honest about who you are is smart business.
  • Don’t be afraid to be you.
  • Write to be read, don’t just write to write.

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J. Kelly Hoey

Networking Expert + Career Transformation Coach + Author + Speaker, Kelly Hoey looks at "networking" through a new, modern, fresh lens, offering you (who are pursuing and perhaps struggling with your big ambitions), advice on how to connect for success in a hyper-connected world that is woefully short in its attention span. Her network-building advice is relatable, instilling confidence with actionable insights and practical information.