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From My Inbox: March 18 Edition (Connecting Beyond Content)

By March 21, 2024No Comments
J. Kelly Hoey - Build Your Dream Network

Ah…wondering why you find endless video conferencing EXHAUSTING (other than having to sit in the same place – because you’ve “got your set-up” – for hours)?

Yes, connecting with others involves more than, hmmm, talking or “simply” listening. It involves a whole lot more – which is why IRL connecting feels ‘better’ or more ‘authentic’ to us. AND why I challenge you to contextualize the digital communications, before hitting send. When you don’t have “everything” that surrounds a conversation (as it is happening in the interwebs or messaging apps), pause to consider what could be going on (just because you can’t “see” the expression, you can imagine what it might be…if you’re getting urgent texts at an ungodly hour).

We know that about 50% of the way that we send signals and receive information in a conversation is not tied to the content of the words but everything that surrounds it: the tone of voice, the speed at which someone speaks, their body language, the expressions on their face. Our brains have this capacity to detect how people feel, by paying attention to two things: their energy and their mood.

????Supercommunication: The secret to better conversations (BBC)


????Taking A Leap Into Possibility With Seth Godin (Smart Rookie podcast)

????More than half of women don’t exercise as much as they would like, new research finds (Women’s Agenda)

????MoneyZen: The Secret To Finding Your “Enough” (masterclass with The WiE Suite on March 28)

????How to Make French Onion Soup (Paris By Mouth)

????Libraries are on the front lines of America’s problems (Axios)

????The two women behind a world-changing scientific discovery (Aeon)

????‍♂️ ⏰ Learn to incorporate mindfulness and meditation into your daily life in simple ways that won’t require a lot of time. Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation (Mindfully Rooted)

???? I have to..I get to…switch up one word to keep up your fitness routine. Pinkcast 3.01This is how to motivate yourself when you don’t feel like exercising

and and and…while there is a lot of $$$ in the venture capital ecosystem, a lot of it (it seems) is sitting on the sidelines, for now (presidential election? interest and bond rates?). If fundraising is on your to-do list, then I suggest adding these investor insights conversations on your calendar – March 28 April 10

and and and and …if you’re needing to brainstorm your funding journey from biz development to client relationships to investors, gain clarity in a networking power hour with me.

J. Kelly Hoey

Networking Expert + Career Transformation Coach + Author + Speaker, Kelly Hoey looks at "networking" through a new, modern, fresh lens, offering you (who are pursuing and perhaps struggling with your big ambitions), advice on how to connect for success in a hyper-connected world that is woefully short in its attention span. Her network-building advice is relatable, instilling confidence with actionable insights and practical information.