“But you’re Kelly Hoey!”
This exclamation was not stating the obvious (and no, I wasn’t suffering from a lapse of memory), it was the reaction by a former co-worker when I admitted to having more than a few doubts and career fears.
The “but you’re Kelly Hoey” was his shock – and perhaps I should take an Academy Award level career bow for portraying a perpetually sure and confident person – or as is more in line with my personality, since the “but you’re..” statement, I’ve reflected on how and when I ask for help, why I don’t ask more (?) and who I share my professional fears and insecurities with.
When is letting our insecurities and challenges all hang out a strength, and when is it simply cloying and annoying?
Heck, I’m in awe with the brutal honesty of TikTok generation – but that’s not for me. Some of my personal problems are no one’s business and frankly, very first white world so who gives an F really! I know I wouldn’t be the least bit sympathetic if it wasn’t me! Yet, patiently waiting for others to perhaps notice I could use a teensy bit of assistance…that career strategy is about as wise as keeping your head down, doing the good work and imagining that will land you a promotion.
AND once again, despite my self-reflection and insecurity analysis isn’t this YET AGAIN an example of our networks seeing more in us than we see in ourselves? Crap! Instead of fearing and worrying about what could possibly happen tomorrow, why haven’t I taken a minute to reflect on what I’ve been accomplished over the past week, year or as is the case with my “but you’re Kelly Hoey” friend, since 2009 when I started on the crazy career journey that landed me here.
So here’s your BYDN reminder for this week:
- Do you have a clear ask – and are you sharing what you need with your network? Hoping and praying someone will deliver what you need is not a smart strategy. Find your voice, your way, and ask for what you need.
- Vision boards for your future ambitions are awesome – but how about making a rear-view vision board? Throw yourself a career accomplishment celebration by listing out (or drawing out) how far you’ve come. No achievement is too small to list – a successful career is not made up of one big leap but the result of many seemingly small steps.
- Remember the best networkers are give-give-get people. The “but you’re Kelly Hoey” was (in hindsight) a great give – a wake-up networking call to step up to where I’m at today, embrace the ambition others see in me and yes, share my vulnerability more often.
Build Your Dream Podcast
This week on the podcast I tackle the topic of INTERNSHIPS. Why? Internships, like most jobs, are discovered through a connection.
Take a listen – and yes, my ask is that you subscribe and review the Build Your Dream Podcast – it’s a double-bonus networking action: you’re helping me as a new podcast host and you’re helping someone else by directing them to a career-boosting resource.
From My Network:
Last week I spoke at Bank of America’s Women’s Leadership Council client conference alongside Marisa Ricciardi, whose boutique B2B marketing firm was included on Inc.’s list of the fastest growing companies. Insert eye-roll here: Marisa noted on during our fireside chat that she still gets questioned about her company (questioned, as in “are you looking for a job?”). Her experience as a female founder mirrors the experience of other women successfully scaling their business ventures. A recent study by Babson College’s Center for Women’s Entrepreneurial Leadership (CWEL) and Bank of America Private Bank, found that “women who have built successful companies had to navigate significant gender-based obstacles” – a rather annoying and significant one is being taken seriously as having a growing businesses.
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