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Bookish Broads

By January 12, 2024No Comments

Wondering if you’re passionate enough to pursue your passion? Get motivated by these women authors.

Bookish Broads: Women Who Wrote Themselves Into History by Lauren Marino (New York, Abrams Image 2021)

Why you should read it: Check yourself into a convent rather than get married, so you can pursue your craft? This, and other stories of women writers determined to pursue their passion regardless of the odds and obstacles, will fine tune your focus and fuel your grit. And if you’re like me, Bookish Broads will also exponentially increase the length of your ‘must read’ list.

J. Kelly Hoey

Networking Expert + Career Transformation Coach + Author + Speaker, Kelly Hoey looks at "networking" through a new, modern, fresh lens, offering you (who are pursuing and perhaps struggling with your big ambitions), advice on how to connect for success in a hyper-connected world that is woefully short in its attention span. Her network-building advice is relatable, instilling confidence with actionable insights and practical information.