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Creating Your WHY Filter

Why! Why! Why!

One of the biggest networking challenges is…choosing the right opportunities when we’re faced with a smorgasbord of networking options. From clubs to meetups to professional organizations to affinity groups to societies to events to social networking platforms to ….. you get the idea.

How do you know when to say YES and when to say NO and how to skip FOMO when you do say NO?

THIS is why you need a WHY filter! To filter out the networking distractions (or annoyances).

The WHY filter first appears at page 29 of Build Your Dream Network.

Create YOUR own WHY filter to clarify and motivate your networking strategy.

Recommended Reading on the #BYDN WHY filter:

Build Your Dream Network pages 29-34, pages 47-49, pages 103-105, pages 127-128 and pages 137-138.

The Opportunity Filter: Shiny Object Syndrome
How to use “the why filter” to save yourself from burnout

You’ve Discovered Your Why, Now What?

It is absolutely essential you fully know why you are doing what you are doing. Be it writing a book, launching a brand, shooting a documentary and so on. When things get hard you will need to come back to why you began down this road and what is driving you. Without that clarity it’s easy to get off track and discouraged.” – Bianca de la Garza, EMMY nominated, award-winning journalist and the first woman in late night television