In this episode of the Build Your Dream Network podcast, Kelly connects with Maxie McCoy for a conversation on how to let go of uncertainty, shed the expectations of others, and stop comparing your career progress to other people’s or to where you think you “should” be by now. Instead, as Kelly and Maxie discuss, the key to success is to focus on taking the essential micro-steps that will bring you closer to your goals and use your networks to guide you in reaching your potential. Maxie is the author of You’re Not Lost: An Inspired Action Plan for Finding Your Own Way and is obsessed with giving women the tools they need to believe in themselves. Kelly and Maxie’s conversation can also be found on the podcast BOOKS CONNECT US, a cool new podcast from Penguin Random House featuring interviews every week with amazing authors.
Key takeaways from this episode:
- 08:00 – Use the “Snow Globe” analogy to break free from the hustlers’ culture.
- 12:36 – Understand why it’s necessary to take your eyes off the “linear career ladder mindset” and instead make the most of the opportunities in front of you.
- 21:00 – Using Kelly and Maxie’s individual experiences, apply the technique of reflection to overcome your career fears.
- 24:48 – Kelly and Maxie share the most significant lessons they’ve learnt from their books.
- 28:11 – Learn the difference between an exact career destination and heading in the general direction.
- “The way you get to anywhere you want to be is in the small actions.”
- “Connection does become meaningful when you know who you are and what it is you’re here to deliver.”
- “We all respond to crisis in different ways, and until that moment happens, we don’t know how we are going to respond.”
- “What does my network see and need from me? Because the answer to what I do next is not in looking at what other people are doing.”
Questions? There are tons of resources here on jkellyhoey.co about building your dream network or contact Kelly on Twitter @jkhoey or email Kelly at admin@jkellyhoey.co.
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