It launched.
It’s happening. It’s for you.
“IT” is my new weekly podcast series.
No grandiose surprise — the first episode of the Build Your Dream Network podcast tackles the tired, old definition of networking.
Why start with a darn definition? Very Virgo, organized lawyerly of me I realize (and yes, I am all of these things), but it just makes so much sense (at least to me) to start networking anew, with clarity grounded in a new understanding as building your dream network is not “same old same old” schmooze-the-room networking.
If you want to reshape your networking behaviors, you need to drop the assumptions and release yourself from definitions that are holding you back.
If you’ve read Build Your Dream Network, consider this inaugural episode a refresher (and thank you for being an avid #BYDN reader + fan). If you’re new to my #BYDN world, my podcast is the reboot your current approach to network building needs.
Here’s the big Build Your Dream Network takeaway: what you have assumed is networking isn’t always the best networking or more importantly, the only way to network – and mindlessly clinging to old misguided networking approaches because “that’s the way it is done”, is an outdated mindset (+ yes, it could very well be holding you back).
Take a listen to the first episode. Be open to trying on my network building style and let me know how it fits – does my definition of networking feel right for you?
During the episode, I talk about regular activities that are much more than daily routines, random tasks or simple rituals — SHOULD you choose to filter these routines, tasks and rituals through my networking lens. Give it a try!
What else would you include on my “this is the new networking” list? My inquiring ways-to-improve-human-connections mind would like to know what I overlooked and left off the list.
And do listen in till the end of the podcast (it is only 10 minutes after all!) as I include some optional – but not so optional – suggestions.
Networking is not a passive activity. The three suggestions I leave you with are designed to lift your networking for the week – and the weeks thereafter if you turn my suggestion into a new networking habit. Give them a try ’cause my suggestions are a heck of a lot less stressful than striking up a conversation with a stranger at a cocktail party.