Pay attention to what your network sees in you. Your co-workers, friends, and mentors may see more in you than you see in yourself.
In episode 7 of her podcast, Lisa Martin talks with Kelly Hoey, author of Build Your Dream Network. Kelly is an expert in how to network in today’s over-connected world. Listen as Kelly shares the benefits of intentionally building your network, knowing your superpower and why in both her career and life, she believes relationships are everything.
Highlights of Lisa’s conversation with Kelly:
- 03:57 Having a superpower that’s natural and intuitive
- 04:31 Don’t highlight and build a network around the wrong skill set
- 06:06 People network too much when saying what they’re doing
- 07:18 Flintstones’ bash her over-the-head moment to write about what she is good at for a broader audience
- 11:10 Old notion of networking as a sleazy, schmoozy activity during a time of need
- 11:45 Power to build relationships to open our own doors and make things happen
- 13:00 Make building your network a daily practice; start with core of existing relationships
- 13:55 Foreplay of networking; get to know someone before meeting them
- 16:33 Value of a strong network – relationships are everything
- 18:36 Time it takes to network; networking is every human interaction, and you do it all the time – can you do it better?
- 20:30 Three assets in life: Reputation, relationships, and time
- 25:20 Leveraging technology and social media to foster long-term relationships
- 27:55 Three Ps – People, People, People – to build meaningful relationships; then using three more Ps – persistence, planning, and politeness (p. 221)
- 32:14 Secret to Networking: Don’t be a jerk!
- 33:40 When networking, ask yourself: Who am I overlooking?
- 35:30 Flourishing for Kelly is an ongoing, personal investment and commitment to herself
- 38:50 Introverts, extroverts, and ambiverts – energy and self-reflection
- 40:35 How definition of flourishing has changed throughout Kelly’s life and career
- 44:00 Randomly reach out to someone every day; stop and think of someone else
- 45:35 Don’t have a Plan B because then you’re not putting everything into Plan A; having relationships is your safety net for when Plan A doesn’t work out