Let’s talk olive oil. A kitchen staple. And in the I love Olive Oil department (and yo! I was mainlining gallons of it during the pandemic, which coincided with a particularly fun phase of menopause (NOT!), when my body was clearly craving or more accurately demanding healthy fats, but I digress) I had NO idea on the history and volume of olive oil produced in Tunisia. Take a listen to On Tunisian olive oil as a form of resistance with Kaïa’s Sarah Ben Romdane on The New Paris Podcast hosted by Lindsey Tramuta. And read the labels on your favorite virgin olive oil carefully…
“…Hustle culture is loud. Push harder. Write. Speak. Promote. Produce. Money. Power. Influence. By getting lost I found a middle ground. Now, I avoid random targets. I look broader and more specific: I examine how an opportunity fits with myself, my career, and my family…” – Sarah Feingold
Sarah’s quote (above) is from my Linkedin stream, the rest, is from my inbox:
- Who’s afraid of AI? The big bad wolf, Prince Charming and a few more storybook characters should be. New AI tool calls out gender bias in classic fairy tales (Women’s Agenda)
- A fake-meat burger, a sex doll and a thought experiment (Psyche)
- Call Me Kate (Netflix) is a fascinating documentary delving into the private life of the legendary (and legendarily private) Katharine Hepburn.
- The Science of Cuteness (Aeon) – yes, why yes there is a science behind the “awwwww” of cuteness.
- The longest study on happiness and well-being – my friends at Collective[i] are in conversation with Harvard’s Robert Waldinger on June 29.
- Clarion Retail, the organiser of trade events including the January Furniture Show, Manchester Furniture Show, Home Interiors Show, Top Drawer and Home & Gift, has launched a professional network from women in the furniture industry. The first Women in Furniture Network (WIFN) takes place in London on June 29.
- How to Proactively Defuse Tension on Your Team (HBR)
- What if your parents were communists, mesmerized by Chairman Mao’s Cultural Revolution, who (when you’re 8-9 years old) decided to fly to Peking in 1965 to be part of the Mao experience (sounds very Glastonbury writing it that way) resulting in you and your parents (despite being devoted communists and Red Guards) being under arrest and living in a small hotel room for 2 years before being sent home to England…it’s true, and quite the story. The Boy In The Peking Hotel (BBC Radio 4)
- To help structure your story, I recommend watching Jane Friedman’s Business Sermon: The StoryWheel with Jule Kucera. The StoryWheel is Jule’s synthesis of what story experts teach about how to create the structure for a compelling story, whether fiction or narrative non-fiction. Great insights, a big-phat PDF to download plus lots of Star Wars references.
Finally, a few gems from the Cartier Women’s Initiative Newsletter –
- Aquacycl is hiring! Aquacycl offers modular on-site organic waste treatment systems that make energy-neutral wastewater treatment a reality.
- Deadline to apply for a Foundry Fellowship at the Legatum Center for Development and Entrepreneurship at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is July 7. What’s a Foundry Fellowship? Glad you asked. According the website it’s “a six-month, transformative experience for accomplished entrepreneurs who are committed to leading the acceleration and interconnection of Africa’s innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystems.”
- And rolling deadlines to apply to participate in Savvy’s virtual Fellowship program for passionate and brilliant young professionals seeking to be part of the new generation of impact entrepreneurs.