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Lessons From Super Bowl Sunday

By February 9, 2018January 16th, 2019No Comments
J. Kelly Hoey - Build Your Dream Network

Where were you on Super Bowl Sunday? Yes, there is a Build Your Dream Network how & who & where are you networking story in the big game that has nothing to do with tailgating and parties.

It is well publicized that Tom Brady is 40 years old. Some of his teammates were in their teens (barely) when he won his first Super Bowl Championship. The point? Surround yourself with people as committed to getting things done as you are — and aim for diversity. If the best person for the job is older than you, well great, but look behind and around you as well! Advice, guidance, talent, leadership and yes, opportunities can come from anywhere, so don’t overlook your peers, mentees, interns…

The Philadelphia Eagles’ QB Nick Foles may be MVP and a household name as of Sunday night but…his career definitely didn’t start off on solid footing. He was selected by the Eagles in the third round with the 88th overall pick in the 2012 NFL Draft. He had to compete for his job — and accepted the backup role, was traded, became a free agent, returned to his “old job”…in other words, he persisted. Building the career you want means focusing on what you can control (your effort, your skill set, your knowledge, your relationships) and having just a little patience. Foles Sunday night success was many years in the making. Give him as much credit for that as for the big win against the Patriots.


The best way I know to manage fears and uncertainty is to build a strong network. You need to have people to lean on when times are bad and to celebrate with when you’ve reached the other side.

J. Kelly Hoey

Networking Expert + Career Transformation Coach + Author + Speaker, Kelly Hoey looks at "networking" through a new, modern, fresh lens, offering you (who are pursuing and perhaps struggling with your big ambitions), advice on how to connect for success in a hyper-connected world that is woefully short in its attention span. Her network-building advice is relatable, instilling confidence with actionable insights and practical information.