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New Year’s Networking Resolutions

By January 6, 2017January 30th, 2019No Comments
J. Kelly Hoey - Build Your Dream Network

Did you do it again? Make a resolution or two on December 31 only to wonder why a few days later? Here’s a resolution you can keep:

Set smaller, achievable goals and network your way to achieving your big goal in 2017.

Reaching individual milestones with the help of others strengthens your connections and motivates your networked journey to success.

So what’s your goal for the New Year? (And why does it matter?)

As I share in Chapter 3 of my book, Build Your Dream Network, networking for me always starts with a goal. Let me explain by sharing an excerpt from the subchapter “The Goal Comes First”:

As I’ve said from the start, I believe there are connection-based solutions for pretty much every challenge we face in our jobs and careers, whether it is finding a job, securing a donation, or locating a source. Sorry, your problems aren’t new — someone has faced your dilemma before (or a challenge that looks an awful lot like it) or knows someone who has — and this is good news! You now have the chance to leverage their mistakes and insights to improve your own networked outcome.

Looking back at my career and goals (secure a job in New York City, transition out of law practice into legal management, find a literary agent), it’s evident that I’ve continually followed a process, taking logical steps to move from having a need or idea or desire to achieving the end result…

…it’s a process that:

  • starts with setting a goal
  • requires determining the correct connections or network to ask for help
  • and then focuses on strategy and communication tactics after you’ve figured out whom you’re seeking help from.

Make sense?

Or do you need help with goal setting (or help focusing your goal(s))? Some personal soul-searching or research may be in order. Explore what is agitating or what interests you. (Heck! That’s what I’ve done on more than a few career occasions!). Grab a blank sheet of paper and start doodling ideas. Or check out the Life Model Canvas and brainstorm your interests.

It’s a New Year! Get your ideas out there. Start acting on your ambitions by connecting with your network.

Interested in planning a #BYDN network book event with me? Fire me an email or tweet — and let’s connect to get it on the calendar.

This post originally appeared in my weekly newsletter. To get insights in your inbox, sign up here.

J. Kelly Hoey

Networking Expert + Career Transformation Coach + Author + Speaker, Kelly Hoey looks at "networking" through a new, modern, fresh lens, offering you (who are pursuing and perhaps struggling with your big ambitions), advice on how to connect for success in a hyper-connected world that is woefully short in its attention span. Her network-building advice is relatable, instilling confidence with actionable insights and practical information.