Oh, when things (like hiring decisions) don’t happen exactly when we want them to. Here are a few networking tips for the job applicant to stay top-of-mind — when the interview process gets dragged out and on and on and on….
Don’t be afraid to be a little different during the interview process. If the chemistry is right, and you share some of your personal story, I will value that over a generic resume and interview. Possibly the best interview I ever had: the applicant said she traveled across the country to ride roller coasters. We remembered it, and she got the job. — Katherine Hollar Barnard, Chief Executive Officer, Firesign | Enlightened Legal Marketing @katiehollar
Send hand-written thank you notes, post interview and email ‘Pings’ every two weeks to check-in and provide some kind of contextual heart beat that shows you’re paying attention (such as congratulatory notes if/when the company makes a newsworthy announcement, a new insight you thought they would appreciate on the company/operations/issue directly related to the position). — Jessica Sobhraj, CEO at Cosynd @JessicaSobhraj
Look for ways to remind them you are there and interested in a helpful way. Maybe it’s an article about the industry or their company or one they wrote that impressed you. — Joanne Tombrakos, Founder at One Woman’s Eye Consulting and Training @joannetombrakos
Send the hiring manager a recent article you wrote or read that you think is relevant to the position you want. And be patient. — Danielle Cohn, Executive Director, Entrepreneurial Engagement, Comcast NBCUniversal @daniellecohn
Discover more #BYDN insights at buildyourdreamnetwork.com. If you haven’t read it yet….pick-up a copy of #BYDN on Amazon or Barnes & Noble or Books A Million or Hudson Booksellers or Indie Bound orPowell’s or Target or Walmart or or any number of independent booksellers or borrow it from your local public library (and if you reallyneed to kickstart your networking by picking up a ton of copies of #BYDN, order in bulk from 800CEORead).