LMK guess, there is some networking-related scenario that is troubling you.
It could be a recurring networking nightmare – the fright of walking into a room of strangers or having to make small talk or wondering how to reach out to someone you’d love to reconnect with but as it has been ages, you feel like an asshat for wanting to get their advice / tip / referral / help.
Perhaps you’re wondering how do to ask someone to be a mentor and whether asking will make your career phat or whether you’ll just look foolish?
Maybe it is something such as connecting digitally in a non-Tinder, non-sleezy-LinkedIn-sales-dude way. Or wondering what is the right etiquette for following someone’s Insta post. Should you like the vaping picture or just ignore it? Is posting a picture of a floral arrangement the same as sending a thank-you note?
You’ve got networking questions, so ask me and I’ll endeavor to alleviate your networking woes.
Email your questions to admin @ jkellyhoey.co
+ massive shout-out to my pal Jennifer Hill who provided the spark for something I’ve been thinking about for a long while….