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From My Inbox: September 18, 2023 Edition

By January 14, 2024No Comments
J. Kelly Hoey - Build Your Dream Network

A few years ago someone who for a considerable amount of time had been important in my life (until we were not), died. This person had kept a bucket list of things to do, and there were always conditions on whether or not those things would get checked off the list. Time and money were never conditions. I’m reflecting on this after listening to the Your Future Is Now episode of the Hidden Brain podcast. What I’m about to say is common sense, and seems we silly humans lack that. Here’s the deal. Your future doesn’t belong to some f’g random third person, who you dreamily manifest upon and toss gratitude intentions to. It is f’g you. So do the things today – many of which may suck, such as getting in 10,000 steps or saying no to dessert or yes to putting more in your savings or saying hell yes to a bucket list item – so your future self (aka you) isn’t full of needless should-have-would-have regrets.

Now that I’ve finished with that PSA, here’s some ???? from my inbox:

Hustle is rarely the most useful action. Systems are built to resist short-term hurried effort. But patient, persistent and focused effort can pay off.

  • The Maverick and the Status Quo (Seth’s Blog)
  • What Legacy? (Mary Carty’s Interlands newsletter on LinkedIn)
  • The benefit of improved Wifi on a plane, could be your health. Coming soon: Airborne telemedicine (Axios)
  • You’re More Than Your Job: 3 Tips for a Healthier Work-Life Balance (HBR)
  • Who isn’t trying to find more time? Have a listen and laugh on how we’ve gotten into the fixation with time in the The History of Timekeeping episode of the You’re Dead To Me podcast.

Wonder may be crucial for helping you take the leap you’ve been dreaming of.

J. Kelly Hoey

Networking Expert + Career Transformation Coach + Author + Speaker, Kelly Hoey looks at "networking" through a new, modern, fresh lens, offering you (who are pursuing and perhaps struggling with your big ambitions), advice on how to connect for success in a hyper-connected world that is woefully short in its attention span. Her network-building advice is relatable, instilling confidence with actionable insights and practical information.